Oct 29, 2010

Oct 27, 2010

Great things need time

It needed six weeks to be able to write about what we experienced.
Teignmouth. Wembley. Biffy. Wolstenlove.
That week in September 2010 will always be in our hearts.
Great things make life worth living.

Sep 16, 2010

what the fuck am i doing here?

So, we're back. In fact I am sitting at work right now, which is the most surreal feeling in a week that has been loaded with surreal feelings. Teignmouth - Wembley (twice) - footie with Chrissie. DUDE!
I honestly lack the capability of comprehending this. What the fuck? There is no sense in trying to explain it with words. I will have to upload some of the 400plus photos and videos from this exprerience - maybe that'll help me at least beginning to understand...

Sep 11, 2010

Sep 7, 2010

ready to go!

the first picture in the new "WEMBLEY!!!" folder on my notebook :-)

can't wait to start this journey!

Sep 1, 2010

So...seven days until we're heading to England and I'm in a state of mad excitement that is one to three dimensions away from reality. Basically. I cannot stop listening to Hurts' 'Wonderful Life' because this is exactly what I feel like: never give up, it's such a wonderful life. I've always had it going on for bands from Manchester; might be because I have family there...
Sorry. I do have these outbursts like ten to twenty times a day, with an increasing intensity. I've been looking forward to this adventure for five months now, it has put me through an insanely stressful university graduation process and now the waiting is over and Tinmäff/Wembley/Rockstar Boyfriends are nigh.
Lately it has been really hard NOT to hurry down the stairs, grab my fancy purple suitcase and start to fill it up with practically every piece of clothing i own. Unlike Marion, who is honestly considering bringing absolutely nothing and just relying on the fashion superpower of the local Primark store [located next to Rock Road, Torquay - need I say more]. Me, I'm hyperventilating on the thought that I will probably leave the one dress/skirt/whatever at home, that would be the only appropriate thing to wear for when...you know...when...oh god, I cannot even write it down.
S-E-V-E-N D-A-Y-S [there is not enough space for all the exclamation marks this statement deserves]

Muse escalation: one week to go!

In one week we gonna be on our way - just to mention it. We're both very excited and actually can't think of anything else. Can't wait to get up at 4 am to go with the first train to the airport, to have an early latte at starbucks, to travel with all the businessmen on our plane that will definitely LOVE us, to find our way through london, to leave by train, direction: tinnmäff! to see the seaside, the den, the town from our hotel room. and that's just how it's starting... i listened to haarp this morning and it felt strange and beautiful in one - is that real? yes! only one week to go!

our usual travel mode:

the weather forecast - awesome!

Aug 24, 2010

Tinni-Merchandise, first draft

The idea derives from the legendary 'Rumpfkluft' by Max Goldt. This one is kind of the inspiration...

...for this:

Aug 18, 2010

The Road to Wembley, step 7: We belong to you

The Hamburg concert changed something for sure. I consulted the notes I took on the train ride back home for proof:
[October 29th, 2009]
“The i-pod plays Muse, almost like an omen. It was a blast, with Bellamy off limits. That is farther off limits than usual. Looking through the pictures I took yesterday, I still cannot believe it. Because what happened was: unbelievable. More like a musical or an opera than a rock concert.

[had i known what was expecting me, i would've downed my cider in one go!]

The stage: three pillars with cages in the middle in which Matty and the boys stood. The cape is the new trend accessory for the cosmopolitan singer. With fringes! Along with pink satin pants, silvery glitter shoes and greenish sparkling sunglasses. Premium style, dude!
And he might have actually had a clown for breakfast, that Bellamy. I mean: he talks. Several times. Hello!? When did that happen for the last time?
Besides that: hit after hit. Every instrument in every song: sang along to it. The new stuff is received not so well and through ‘Undisclosed Desires’ it feels like Marion and I are the only ones dancing. But there’s guy-love in the row behind us. 4 dudes, close to tears, arm in arm, shouting ‘Thanks Matthew’ after every song.
Matty happens.
Muse: no words, only visual and acoustic lunacy. Precision machines they are. But I have to admit that this perfection leaves me a bit at a loss. The show lacks emotion. The Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, still under construction, would have been the perfect venue, with its sharp and cold architecture, placed on the top of a skyscraper overlooking the harbour - as close to the stars as possible. Not to mention the symphony factor.
At some point I have to get rid of my ear plugs in order to enjoy the sound in its full scale. Here too everything is designed perfectly. No unsurpassable walls of sound, rather a sound gown – or cape! – you’re wrapped into.
I look down at the crowd and all the raised fists and catch myself thinking: Rage against the Machine meets Rachmaninov is what this is. Agitation meets classical music. And Matty is dancing with himself. His fingers caress the piano keys and torture the guitar strings. He gniedels (there is no appropriate English word, I’m sorry) one orgiastic solo after the other. Let alone the effect stage. Matty is off limits vocally, too.

[having no Bellamy-ish fashion items around to focus her attention on, marion turns to coffee]

Marion says that the stuff Muse produced on the last two records will in 10 to 20 years time have the status Queen songs have nowadays. I agree. These songs will be modern classics. Maybe they are already. I’ve always hated the word rock-opera. But I can hardly think of any more appropriate label for this evening.”

Aug 14, 2010

Hamburg, October 28, 2009: Almost there

At the beginning of a long, harsh and dark winter that already showed its shadows in late October 2009, Muse's The Resistance Tour stopped in Hamburg, my new hometown - and Muse once again enlightened our lifes. 
But to be honest, Esther and I had not even a glimpse of an idea what to expect. At that time, we had listened to Muse’s new album several times. We liked what we heart, and definitely recognised what Muse once called „the Monty Python aspect in our music“, something very familiar to the Rodgau Casi Kingz. And that symphony of course, three parts that blew us away from the start. But we actually had no idea whats going on with Muse at that moment: being at the climax of their musical development, maybe. A double sold out Wembley Stadium triumph in 2007 and two fabulous Teignmouth homecoming shows on their “done” list. The “Resistance” treasure hunt – heard of, that’s it. The board? Well… I need to admit at that point that Esther almost had to talk me in to going to that gig. I thought: “I’ve already seen them three times, that’s enough.” Finally, I gave in and Esther came all the way to Hamburg for the concert (she actually met a Muser guy on her train and had a chat with him – signs, hello?!). For us, it was the best decision ever made – until our Wembley plans.

We started the evening with a fenomenal dinner at Kumpir cellar, with baked and filled potatoes at a digital bonfire in a trashy location worth a food coma experience. We left late, because we actually weren’t able to move for a pretty long time. But the Color Line Arena where Muse played that night fortunately was just a 15 minutes trainride away, so we were in no hurry. And we just came in time – we just sat down (yes, we’re getting old – we prefer to SIT THE FUCK DOWN) and Muse started to play. Well, playing is not the right word. They just made the whole arena EXPLODE. They were standing on these three towers, Matt in his hilarious pink throusers, the LED shades on his nose, with silver glittery shoes, wearing A CAPE. A couple of rows behind us, a group of young leds embraced each other and sang along every single verse. Pure happyness. I remember that I grinned all the time. And danced (standing, not sitting). And that I still wasn’t that familiar with the “older” Muse songs (in opposite to Esther, who sang along all of them) – I knew them, but I couldn’t say on which album they were. I was such a fail.

I’m not sure what happened that night, it was one of those concerts that make you feel like being part of something huge, but you couldn't explain why. You just remember the feeling, but not every detail. An EXPERIENCE, not only a gig. 
It needed a while until we were able to leave the venue. We sat in the food corner, drinking something and watching the crowd leaving. We laughed about two girls on extrem high heels that obviously weren’t able to walk with them, passing in the direction of the VIP area and returning unsuccessfully some minutes later. Well, even that: we didn’t got it at that point. I think I wouldn’t be able to say what Dom’s an Chris’ family names was at that point (once again, Esther surely knew, because she’s a genius at things like that – and I’m definitely not). But honestly: why should a guy be attractive that is wearing pink throusers and a CAPE – not only in public, but at an arena show, in front of 8,000 people (besides his musical genius, of course)?
There came a time we knew the answer, immediately. A time when we became Musers.

Set list
  1. Uprising
  2. Resistance
  3. New Born
  4. Map of the Problematique
  5. Supermassive Black Hole
  6. Guiding Light
  7. Interlude + Hysteria
  8. United States of Eurasia
  9. Cave (with Butterflies & Hurricanes interlude)
  10. Helsinki Jam + Undisclosed Desires
  11. Starlight
  12. Plug In Baby
  13. Time Is Running Out
  14. Unnatural Selection
  1. Exogenesis: Symphony Part I (Overture)
  2. Stockholm Syndrome + War Within a Breath riff + riff
  3. Man with a Harmonica intro + Knights of Cydonia

Aug 13, 2010

The Road to Wembley, step 6: The Persistence

Released in Germany on September 11th, 2009 (exactly one year before Wembley – destiny, hellooooo…!), it wasn’t necessarily love at first tune with ‘The Resistance’. Well, except for ‘Undisclosed Desires’ of course. I noted the following into my diary: the new Muse record really is a symphony. I mean, I don’t listen to classical music usually, but since this IS classical music I might as well buy me some Mozart and stuff. I especially dig one song [didn’t we all?], ‘Undisclosed Desires’. And over the months we grew fonder of the rest of it as well.

While we thought that this might finally be the record with which Muse had risked too much and had gone over the top, so that no one would be able to relate to it anymore it was in fact the opposite. Who would’ve thought that a record with a feckin’ symphony on it would finally mark the breakthrough for the band in the States (with a little help from something called Twilight)?
For us the three year gap between 2006 and 2009 was filled with a good amount of…well, life, I guess. I went to study in Ireland, Marion graduated from university and moved to Hamburg, Muse toured their asses off. The band didn’t have that big of an impact on our lives during this period - up until last year. Somehow, resistance seems to have been an album title symptomatically describing what was about to happen with us and this band. For what other than a resistance of everything deemed to be adult behaviour is it to go nuts over a music group at the puppy-ish age of 26 going on 27?
Slowly something emerged from the depths of the music: Muse came to stay with us. This one was to last. Love is our resistance. What more is there left to say? Except for: Muse is our persistence.

Three years in music:

Era Vulgaris – Queens of the Stone Age - In Rainbows – Radiohead - Mothership – Led Zeppelin - Year Zero – Nine Inch Nails
(I’ll be honest: apart from the constant inspiration Trent Reznor always has been and still is, and the nausea caused by the fact that I couldn’t attend the Led Zeppelin reunion gig: there wasn’t much to last from 2007’s music releases)

H.A.A.R.P – Muse - Only by the Night – Kings of Leon - I’m a Celebrity – Right Said Fred - Heart On – Eagles of Death Metal

Under the Radar Over the Top – Scooter - Cosmic Egg – Wolfmother - Only Revolutions – Biffy Clyro - Dto. – Them Crooked Vultures

Aug 3, 2010

Jul 28, 2010

The Road to Wembley, Step 5: Black Holes and Realizations

The six months in between our respective Muse adventures, from the very first encounters to the growing appreciation of ‘Black Holes and Revelations’ as one of the defining moments in music of the decade saw us separated and reunited. Marion went to Sweden and came back. And songs like ‘Starlight’ accompanied us on our various travels. Far away, this ship has taken me far away from the memories of the people who care if I live or die. But we were reunited and besides our growing fondness for the Teignmouth-three, the realization was that friendship might cross borders and abridge distances, yet it is best when one is close to the other.
Music wise, I recall the mad excitement of listening to the full-length record for the first time. I sat in my garden and had pen and paper ready for the revelations the title suggested - and couldn’t write anything down, because I was so sedated and seduced by the sheer awesomeness of it. Pure joy. A fat grin I couldn’t get rid of the whole day. A hand grenade of Rock, bullet-proof sound-walls, horses from outer space, inter-planetary and outer space moments – and it kicked ass, too!
Apart from the cherished ‘Knights of Cydonia’ and the sexiness of ‘Supermassive Black Hole’ one of my favourite tracks of the early phase of listening was ‘Assassin’, because it just killed you like a Kalashnikov. Bang Bang, you’re dead. I only discovered the beauty of ‘Starlight’ or ‘Invincible’ after several rounds of intensive listening. One of my favourites must be the inevitable ‘Map of the Problematique’, too.
Many of my friends who weren’t interested in Muse before fell for them with this record, and understandably so. How could they not? The fact that it is so completely off track from anything mainstream rock had to offer at that time only made it more genius – if that is possible. This record cemented Muse’s status. It put everything to a whole new level. And nothing was the same afterwards. It changed my perception of what music can be and how music can sound completely. Consulting my notes back from that very first listening session in my garden, I found this:

Take a Bow
sounds like a gambling machine; burn in hell, corruption, techno-beat, spacey, glam rock, sacral; ‚bow’ being distorted to a moan; in the end the instruments shriek themselves to the climax; a feedback as if they had smashed their instruments and left the stage without comment

Clapping the snare-drum; you electrify my life, hopes and expectations rhymes with black holes and revelations; in the end there is only Bellamy’s voice left, begging ‘I just wanted to hold’ and ending abruptly

Supermassive Black Hole
sexy, falsetto, dark, industrial, stamping, sweaty; ‚you set my soul alight’, ‚melting’, Computer, ‚suck’, ‚you’re a supermassive black hole’: no idea how to interpret that – or too many. DIRTY.

Map of the Problematique
Kraftwerk, fragile keyboard in front of a wall of trance; fear, desperation, despair, swept away; catchy hookline; polyphonic; Placebo-ish break, hymnic chorus

Soldier’s Poem
Soft, quiet, acoustic, tea-dance; Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody, only slower; no justice in the world, desparate lyrics; kitsch, cliché; a mild summer breeze smelling like refuse incineration; a 50s combo playing, I see smoking ties and Bellamy who lets these verbal handgrenades explode with a devoted look on his face; a thorn in the flesh of modern day’s amusement society

Church musician shortly before mass is about to begin; little drummer boy, calm in the beginning; singing saw; together we’re invincible; bass and rhythm groove leisurely

The start reminds me of Knight Rider, brachial, hardcore electro, System of a Down, lose control, once again you ask yourself: three guys? Really?

Drums are catchy: da-da-da-da-da-da-daa; spooky; will our leaders tell us why, I wait for the sign

City of Delusion
Acoustic guitar, happy music; voice and lyrics are the exact opposite; Mediterranean; Jack Johnson [sic!]; mushy synthesiser-sounds in the background; the electric guitar, brilliant ensemble playing; movie soundtrack, blockbuster, Batman, Spiderman or something; then acoustic again, trumpet, prairie, western, destroy this city of delusion, break these walls down

Title reminds me of Star Wars, music of Andalusia, Mexico, Flamenco, Tango, heated aspahlt in the night, James Bond; Bellamy sings with a sleepy, seductive voice, I see myself in a run-down motel with him, a rumpled bed; why is this a crisis; piano, oh the piano; then things take off: instincts; strings, one can almost see the big gestures; ‘I’ve had recurring nightmares that I was loved for who I am and missed the opportunity to be a better man’ he whispers and sighs into my ear, his breath on my skin

Knights of Cydonia
Horse’s hooves on dusty ground; neighing; laser canons; disturbingly high pitches that I fear are produced by Bellamy; Pulp Fiction; the beat goes along with the clatter; mariachi; it takes two minutes until there is a voice recognizable; strong lyrics: no one’s gonna take me alive, the time has come to make things right, you and I must fight for our rights, you and I must fight to survive’; it takes off from there à la Led Zeppelin

…and that’s it. Other songs 2006 had to offer (but who would have wanted to listen to them anyways?):

I bet you look good on the dancefloor – Arctic Monkeys
She moves in her own way – The Kooks
Hard to beat – Hard-Fi
Meds – Placebo
You have killed me – Morrissey
Steady, as she goes – The Raconteurs
Joker&the thief – Wolfmother
Dani California – Red Hot Chili Peppers
Beating Heart Baby – Head Automatica
I don’t feel like dancing – Scissor Sisters
Sexy Back – Justin Timberlake
Rehab – Amy Winehouse